Workshop details
These are 6 comprehensive and hand picked workshops which will be taught in continuation one after the other, in a way that together, they will form a full set and you will be able to dance and use them in a milonga.
17 June. Friday.
7.30 pm- 8.45 pm
1. Figures and sequences of most famous Milongueros.
9 pm- 10.15 pm
2. Unique decorations/adornos for leaders and followers: how and when to use. Techniques, that will make you stand out from ordinary to special in a milonga.
18th June, Saturday
8 pm- 9.15 pm
3. Figures in speed in reduce space. This is a dilemma for both leaders and followers and this will help you dance peacefully and with confidence.
9.15pm- 10.30 pm
4. Roll of active follower and active follower. Now you will not just lead and follow but do it differently. We have many exercises and techniques that will help you accomplish this. Your dance will not be the same again.
19th June. Sunday
4-5.30 pm
5. Vals: Creating figures from the simple to the complex. Complex figures with sacadas for both roles in Vals.
5.45- 7 pm
6. Pure exercise to improve the technique. These exercises you take home and practice to improve your techniques. These help you to outshine.
8.30 pm onwards milonga in Zu Tisch, M block market, Greater Kailash-1
Workshop venue: NDTS- New Delhi Tango School
E-193, Greater Kailash-2
Each workshop: Rs.1500/-
6 workshops: 7800/-
Milonga: Rs.1500/-